Do you think Aloe Vera is herbal remedy for Type 2 Diabetes?
Do you think Aloe Vera is herbal remedy for Type 2 Diabetes?
In Type 2 diabetic patients, the body can’t regulate blood sugar levels
by itself. The people with diabetes should maintain healthy condition, by
making some diet changes, exercises, stress management, and also oral
medication & insulin, to balance sugar levels in blood.
Some people prefer herbal techniques to control diabetes
like apple cider vinegar, cinnamon extract, aloe vera.
Aloe vera is a common plant;
used in preparation of traditional medicine from ancient times. Aloe vera is an
anti-inflammatory, which helps to treat some of health complications like constipation,
high blood pressure, skin diseases, colic, etc. It is high in vitamins, minerals,
enzymes, polysaccharides (a natural form of carbohydrates), so due to these elements aloe vera
is used in herbal medication. Some researchers say
that aloe vera helps to lower the blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. It
is used in two ways, in the form of gel or capsules. The oral supplements of
aloe vera helps to lower blood sugar by 46.6 mg/dl and also A1C blood levels
falls 1.05%, it helps in diagnosis of sugar levels being managed for about span
of 3 months.
Mostly 23.45% of people with Type 2 diabetes use the 300 mg of aloe vera
gel or capsule per day for 2 months, and recognized improvement in health
condition. Comparatively using aloe vera, group of people dropped sugar levels
in blood by an average low density with balanced insulin levels. With these
results we can say that, aloe vera helps to prevent sugar levels and breakdown
the stimulating of sugar, and tract gastrointestinal in meals.
Is aloe vera is risk
free solution for Type 2 diabetes for lowering blood sugar levels in body?
Lowering the sugar levels may leads to other consequences, whoever uses
herbal medication must be careful while taking orally. If aloe vera combines
with other medication, it causes a serious complication known as hypoglycaemia. This is generally
caused when blood sugar levels falls low, it leads to unconsciousness; shivering,
sweatiness, also develops an irregular heartbeat and blurred vision.
Moreover, dosage of aloe vera plays a major role to lead other risk
factors or health consequences. To avoid those, regular dosage of 300 mg
capsules once in every 12 hrs. for two months enough to make effective
improvement in balancing of blood sugar, A1C, total cholesterol, and LDL
cholesterol, without any side effects.
Keywords : Type 2 diabetic ,anti-inflammatory, herbal medication, hypoglycaemia, blood sugar levels, carbohydrates.
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